Sage House Senior Care

Preparing Your Loved One to Move Into a Memory Care Facility


Many families of seniors in memory care facilities in Scottsdale — such as Sage House Senior Care — may remember how challenging it was to transition loved ones with dementia into their new assisted living homes. Sometimes their elderly relatives argued and pushed back against the decision or felt “betrayed.” Thankfully, there are some things we have found that can make the transition smoother.

Prepare for the Memory Care Conversation Beforehand

By the time memory care becomes the best option for a loved one, their dementia has progressed to the point where they are no longer able to live on their own. They may be defensive because they don’t want to think that they are a burden. They may feel they are being unfairly forced out of their own homes. They will probably be seeking support from various family members. The problem with this is that the more voices and opinions they hear, the more overwhelmed they may be. Thus, the communication has to be both straightforward and reassuring.

Make sure all family members relay the same message and in the same type of language. This is best accomplished by having a short “script” that everyone can use — something like, “You are going to a great home where you’ll be safe.” Consistency and a comforting tone will go a long way to helping your loved one accept the transition.

Acknowledge Their Concerns

Loved ones with dementia often resist leaving their home and accustomed life behind. Many seniors think that no one understands how they feel. Acknowledging their fears, providing empathy, and explaining how the move will be beneficial to them will make them feel heard and supported. They are more likely to trust what you are saying if they know that their feelings have been taken into account.

If they seem confused or upset, ask what they are thinking and how they are feeling. This will allow you to address what they are afraid of and frame the move as something that will help them.

Stay in Touch After the Move

Transitioning a loved one to memory care facilities in Scottsdale doesn’t end with the move. Adjusting to memory care can take weeks, even months, depending on the state of your loved one. Their fears, worries, and questions will continue for a while after the move. They may feel abandoned by their families. That’s why it is important to communicate with them regularly — not only to reassure them that they are still part of the family but also to assess how they are adapting to their new surroundings. Continue to show empathy and gently remind them that getting used to a new home often takes time.

Communicate Regularly with the Facility

Getting to know the facility and its staff accomplishes a few things. If your loved one has difficulty communicating, for example, liaising directly with the care personnel will be good for their peace of mind — and yours. They can answer questions that you or your loved one may have and ensure that special considerations are taken if required. Familiarize yourself with the facility’s visitation times, special events schedule, and policies about when you can participate in activities with them — such as mealtimes, games nights, or daily exercise.

Is it time for your loved one to enter a memory care facility? Contact us today with your questions and to find out more about our facilities and what they can offer to your loved one. We are a doctor-owned provider of senior care with a focus on patient/resident engagement. Our specialty is memory care, and we are always happy to help.