Sage House Senior Care

Signs your parent might need assisted living in Scottsdale, AZ


Taking care of an aging parent is a difficult task. It often falls on the children to provide more and more help for a parent as they advance in age and things get to be challenging around the house. Eventually, though, there will be a point when your parent needs more help than what you or your siblings can provide, and they need assisted living care. If you’re not sure your parent has reached that point yet or not, our team at Sage House Senior Care has put together a list with several signs that your parent needs assisted living in Scottsdale, AZ.


Getting up out of a chair or walking around the house gets to be one of the more difficult things for seniors to do as they age. You might notice that your parent is grasping for furniture more often than they used to or using walls for balance as they walk throughout the house. These are common signs that your parent is no longer a stable walker and could be at significant risk for falling.


Noticeable changes in your parent’s weight can indicate that they’re either not eating enough, eating too much, or not being active enough. Assisted living care will ensure that they’re getting nutritious meals as well as regular exercise. It will be much easier for them to maintain a healthy weight without gaining or losing significant amounts. A care provider can help to verify that they’re staying within a healthy range or losing weight at a healthy rate if desired.


Many retirees have hobbies they love to participate in to pass the time. Whether it’s woodworking, sewing, golfing, or anything else, these are things that often bring joy and encourage healthy activity. Seniors will sometimes lose interest in these activities as they reach advanced age because they either don’t feel they can do them as well as they once could, or they’re getting depressed. Assisted living can help them get back to doing things they enjoy, which will improve their overall demeanor.


A senior who’s been neglecting things that need to be taken care of daily is often in need of assisted living to make sure they’re being done. You might notice your parent hasn’t bathed in several days, combed or brushed their hair, done laundry, or cooked a warm meal. Everyday tasks often get to be much more difficult with age, and it’s not uncommon for your parent to require extra help to ensure these things are not only getting done but getting done safely.


Taking medication on a regular schedule can be a tough habit to get into. It doesn’t matter if you’re 35 or 65, starting a medication regimen when you’re not used to it isn’t easy. While this is normal, it can be dangerous. Seniors are at risk of an accidental overdose if they’ve forgotten that they’ve already taken their medication when it’s due. Sometimes they might skip a dose as a precaution to avoid double dosing. While this can be a safer alternative, it doesn’t make for an effective routine. An assisted care provider can help to manage their medication schedule to ensure they’re getting the maximum benefit from their prescriptions.


These are a few signs that might indicate your aging parent is in need of assisted living in Scottsdale, AZ. If you’d like to learn more or get help setting up care for your parent, get in touch with us at Sage House Senior by calling 602-926-7289 or sending a message via our online contact form.