Sage House Senior Care

The Importance of Physicians in Senior Living in Arizona


Many family members have a common question when deciding where to move their loved ones for senior living: what happens when a medical emergency in the facility arises or a chronic condition requires ongoing management?

While many senior living facilities have medical oversight, it is always in the residents’ best interest to move to a physician-owned and managed facility. In this blog post, we will explore eight reasons why senior living centers should always be managed and owned by doctors, with a dedicated a doctor on site or on-call.

8 Reasons Senior Living in AZ Should be Physician Owned and Managed

Urgent Medical Response

In a senior living center, residents may encounter medical emergencies like falls, heart attacks, or strokes. Without a physician readily available to respond and treat the patient, the situation can quickly become dire. Having a qualified physician on staff or on-call ensures that medical emergencies can be attended to with optimal speed and care.

Management of Chronic Conditions

As our loved ones age, it becomes more common for them to develop chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis. These conditions require ongoing management and monitoring, which can be complicated and require specialized care. A physician on staff can provide consistent care that ensures good quality of life and proper self-management.

Prevention and Intervention of Diseases

Prevention is always better than treatment. As such, physicians can play a critical role in preventing and identifying diseases and providing early intervention before they worsen. Early detection and immediate medical attention can mean the difference between life and death.

Medication Management

It’s common for elderly individuals to be on multiple medications. Unfortunately, taking multiple medications can lead to complications such as drug interactions or adverse reactions. A physician on staff can help ensure that residents are taking the right medication at the appropriate dosage, oversee proper medication distribution, and minimize potential side effects.

Improved Mental and Emotional Well-Being

It’s not just physical health that can be impacted by aging; mental health can also be affected. Having a physician on staff can help address demoralizing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, which can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life.

Consistency and Continuity of Care

Maintaining a consistent level of care is essential for residents, particularly when it comes to chronic conditions or disabilities. With a physician on staff or on-call, residents can receive consistent and ongoing care, with minimal delays or gaps in treatment.

Resource for Nurses and Staff

Nurses and support staff can gain valuable support and resources from having a physician on staff or on-call. Doctors can provide clinical guidance, consultation, and training, thus increasing the level of care provided by frontline staff.

Recognition and Mitigation of Elder Abuse

Unfortunately, elder abuse is real and common. However, senior living centers with physician services can help with early recognition, reporting, mitigation, and the prevention of such abuse.

Trust the Medical Experts for Senior Living in Arizona

In summary, having a physician on staff or on-call can provide invaluable support, resources, and solutions for senior living centers. Having skilled and experienced medical staff is critical to manage the complex health needs of elderly residents and nurture their overall well-being.

Rare in the world of residential assisted living, Sage House is owned and directed by physicians who provide medical direction and nursing oversight to our residents through our sister company, Sage Medical. We have implemented best-practice solutions and strategies identified through decades of experience while ensuring our residents are treated with dignity, empathy, and compassion. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what makes Sage House the best in Senior Living in Arizona.